The Art of Marriage®
What is this all about?
Whether your marriage is going well or needing a tune-up, The Art of Marriage® events and five-week series bring couples together to focus on God-centered principles that will rejuvenate or reconcile the relationship. War Room Ministries delivers the FamilyLife® curriculum in a welcoming and comfortable environment where the facilitators share their personal stories. Their story provides authentic realities of a marriage and how they learned to persevere challenges that often allows for a safe environment where couples can discuss their own journey.
War Room Supports Churches in Marriage Ministry
Above, see the most recent Art of Marriage® event held at Hungry Generation Church. Prior, events have been held at Crossview Community Church and the War Room. In every case, events are coordinated with existing churches and provide a rich experience for their current members and outside members.
If your church would like to partner with War Room Ministries for such an event, please contact us!
Vertical Marriage®
Before a relationship between a husband and wife, there must be a relationship with Jesus Christ. Led by couples sharing their own journey, Vertical Marriage® helps couples to build their relationship with Christ in their marriage.
Dave and Ann Wilson developed the Vertical Marriage® curriculum.