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Transforming Love: 5 Powerful Secrets to Building a Christ-Centered Relationship That Lasts

The Journey to a Christ-Centered Relationship I don’t want anyone to start reading this article and think we have a perfect marriage because we don’t. It’s truly amazing, and other than my salvation, the greatest gift from the Lord has been my marriage relationship with Kath. Overcoming a Broken Past When I think of how broken I was in chapter 2 of our book, looking back at the kid growing up with his mom being married 9 times, two of the men twice, and the abuse from some of those men that hardened me for almost the 5 decades of my life. How could I have a normal marriage relationship? How could it ever thrive? I can tell you it took me getting to the

I thought our marriage was great except for one intimate thing. I was all wrong. Here’s how we fixed it

One of my biggest regrets after more than 30 years of marriage, is that I didn’t take pre-marital counseling seriously This article first appeared here on For 31 years of being married, my wife and I never talked about sex. For the first time, we both thought our marriage was finally solid. After years of secrets and affairs and bringing our own traumas into our marriage, we went to a marriage conference, for once, not because our relationship was barely hanging on by a thread, but to get encouraging information that we could share with other couples as we started our own marriage ministry. Then there was Saturday night. The homework for that night concerned sex. Not necessarily doing it. Talking about it. To each

5 Things to Consider Before Breaking Up – My Wife and I Almost Divorced Multiple Times.

With dedication and perseverance, you can create a marriage that can stand the test of time Article Highlights: Personal Experience: Tim Bush and his wife Kathy faced numerous near-divorces during their 40-year marriage but always managed to fight for their relationship. Importance of Communication: Emphasizes the need for open, honest communication in marriage to prevent resentment and misunderstandings. Avoiding Conflict Avoidance: Stresses the danger of sweeping issues under the rug and the need to confront and resolve conflicts. Seeking Support: Encourages couples to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professional counselors to navigate challenging times. Long-term Perspective: Highlights the importance of considering the long-term implications of divorce, including the impact on children and future generations. Shared Values: Advises couples to reconnect with the values

I thought our marriage was great except for one intimate thing. I was all wrong. Here’s how we fixed it

Article source: “One of my biggest regrets after more than 30 years of marriage, is that I didn’t take pre-marital counseling seriously” For 31 years of being married, my wife and I never talked about sex. For the first time, we both thought our marriage was finally solid. After years of secrets and affairs and bringing our own traumas into our marriage, we went to a marriage conference, for once, not because our relationship was barely hanging on by a thread, but to get encouraging information that we could share with other couples as we started our own marriage ministry. Then there was Saturday night. “I WAS SO IN LOVE WITH MY WIFE, BUT ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT WE KNEW IT WAS A MISTAKE” The

How your childhood affects your marriage: Unveiling the past

How your childhood affects your marriage is evident, as our past experiences and upbringing significantly shape the dynamics of our relationships, particularly in marriage. The influences we were exposed to growing up can affect how we perceive and navigate relationships. In this article, we will explore how two very different childhoods shaped the marriage of Kath and me, yet both brought challenges into the union, starting from day one. We go into much greater detail in chapters two and three of our book, “Sex on the First Date.” Unresolved Childhood Issues: The Hidden Burdens We Brought to Our Marriage My Upbringing: Growing up, my childhood was marked by a series of changes and challenges that led to many transitions and even a survival mentality that started