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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Marriage Ministry

The Art of Marriage®

What is this all about?

Whether your marriage is going well or needing a tune-up, The Art of Marriage® events and five-week series bring couples together to focus on God-centered principles that will rejuvenate or reconcile the relationship.  War Room Ministries delivers the FamilyLife® curriculum in a welcoming and comfortable environment where the facilitators share their personal stories.  Their story provides authentic realities of a marriage and how they learned to persevere challenges that often allows for a safe environment where couples can discuss their own journey.

War Room Supports Churches in Marriage Ministry

Above, see the most recent Art of Marriage® event held at Hungry Generation Church.  Prior, events have been held at Crossview  Community Church and the War Room.   In every case, events are coordinated with existing churches and provide a rich experience for their current members and outside members.

If your church would like to partner with War Room Ministries for such an event, please contact us!

Vertical Marriage graphic with heart background

Vertical Marriage®

Before a relationship between a husband and wife, there must be a relationship with Jesus Christ. Led by couples sharing their own journey, Vertical Marriage® helps couples to build their relationship with Christ in their marriage.

Dave and Ann Wilson developed the Vertical Marriage® curriculum.